St. Giles is a supporter of the Inn of the Good Shepherd by designating our second offering (on Communion Sunday), making a monetary donation and providing food. At the present time they are in need of canned fruit, fresh/canned potatoes, macaroni and cheese, school snacks and juices, pasta or potato side dishes, powdered milk, baby food, formula and diapers (especially larger sizes), juice drink boxes, and hygiene products.
Each couple of months St. Giles prepares and serves a noon meal. The food is prepared in our kitchen at 8:30 am by Bette Fitzpatick and volunteers. At 12:30 this meal is served at the Inn on John St. by Geoff Gander and volunteers. This is one way St. Giles reaches out to the community.
FYI – The clients at the Inn say that St. Giles makes the best cupcakes ever!