Author: leanne
Prayer Shawl Ministry looking for new participants
Click on the following : Prayer_Shawl_Ministry_Brochure2[1] 2nd to view an informational brochure about this meaningful ministry.
Community Pasta Dinner Wed. September 25th
The community is welcome to attend a pasta dinner between 5:30 to 7:00 pm at St. Giles Presbyterian Church on Lakeshore Road between Colborne and Indian Rd. Tickets are $ 10.00- available from the church office or at the door on Sept. 25th.
New Bible Studies Tuesday evenings and Wed. afternoons
2 new Bible study groups are about to begin. “Faith Lessons” on Wed. afternoons at 2.00pm. with Peggy and “What Is Your World View?”-a six week study group beginning Tuesday, Sept. 22 , 7:00-8.30pm with Rev. Barry.
Quiltsgiving September 28th
See below for a previous post about this event and all the information you need to know to take part.
Recent Passing – Ted Stewart
Ted Stewart passed away on August 11th. Please pray for his family.
Recent Passing – Giuliano Giovannelli (Mary Giovannelli’s father)
Giuliano passed away August 10th. Our prayers are with Mary and her family.
Sept. 28th is Quiltsgiving from 9:30-2:30
Bring your sewing machine and spend the day making simple baby quilts for Neighbourlink & Women’s Interval Home. If you don’t sew, but would like to be a part of this charity project, you can: supply fabric, be an ironer, or just come and enjoy the fellowship. A soup lunch will be provided. Registration is required for this… Continue reading Sept. 28th is Quiltsgiving from 9:30-2:30
Sept. 8th Farewell Party for Ev and Jack
After the service, everyone is invited to wish our dear friends well as they prepare to move out of town but not out of our hearts.
Choir Practice
Regular choir practice will begin this Thursday Nov. 3rd at 7pm in the sanctuary. New members are always welome.