Sermon Reflection : Is there something that is compromising the integrity, fullness, holiness and joy in your daily life? This Sunday’s Scripture : Conversation Starter : This Sunday is Mother’s Day. Moms pray for their children. Who else prays for you? Sent from my iPad
Author: leanne
Onliner Notes April 24th
SERMON APPLICATION : Is there someone in our midst this week who may not be expecting attention and love that we could love just as Jesus loved? Sermon title : O Love That Will Not Let Me Go SCRIPTURE STUDY : The Text This Week link to access the scripture verses online If you’re an… Continue reading Onliner Notes April 24th
Onliner Notes April 17
ONLINER NOTES Sermon Application – The message from Rev. Barry : Take out your earbuds so you can hear your Shepherd talking to you. In my classroom we have 3 listening routines – be still, look at the speaker, think about what the speaker is saying. Next Sunday’s Scripture – Check out The Text this… Continue reading Onliner Notes April 17
A Night of Jazz happens tonight! 7:30, $10 at St. Giles, everyone welcome
Feb. 9th Pancake Tuesday Supper 5-6:30
Come and enjoy fellowship and comfort food at St. Giles’ Annual Pancake Supper. Tickets for adults are $7.and for children $3.
Grade 6 and up Girls – Bloom March 4th
You can check out their facebook page and their website for more information.
Discussion of the new study guide Body, Mind and Soul
On Sunday, Feb. 7th following the worship service, you are invited downstairs to the Ruby Walker Room to discuss this new guide. It can be found online at The following is an excerpt from the Presbyterian Church in Canada website: Resources Available to Help Leaders Facilitate Discussion on Sexuality As presbyteries and congregations prepare for the work… Continue reading Discussion of the new study guide Body, Mind and Soul
You’re invited to Christmas Eve Services at St. Giles
Christmas Eve Services 7 and 11
Join together one and all at St. Giles on Lakeshore between Colborne Rd and Indian Rd for the Christmas message both spoken and sung. At 11:00 a Candlelight Communion Service will be held.
CELTIC CHRISTMAS Dec. 6th at 10:30-11:30
The Celtic Christmas is back (no doubt by great popular demand). This is sure to be another Spirit-filled gathering in the midst of superb Celtic music. If you were present last year, you will be returning for certain and if you missed it, now’s your chance. Everyone welcome.